M+G Resolutions
Posted: December 26, 2013
Categories: life+style.
by Erica Bowman, National Training Manager
I can’t believe how quickly 2013 flew by! When I stop and think back about all the things that happened this year, I’m blown away. I’m not one for resolutions, but because I’ve noticed that the older I get, the quicker life flies by, I thought it might be the perfect time to start setting an extra goal for myself. 2014 is bound is be a great year – Malin+Goetz turns 10 and we have such an awesome team set in place to make big things happen. Check out the little things me and the staff are focusing on in 2014:
- Erica B. - My 2014 resolution is to actively be better at exploring outside of NYC. Vermont here I come!
- Emily S. - My New Year’s Resolution is to read more books. And to finish one before starting another. ;)
- Paul H. - "One person can make a difference, and everyone should try." -- John F Kennedy. I'd like to really make a tangible difference in 2014.
- Robert R.- 2014 is going to be an amazing year! My resolution: Simply be happy. :]
- Gabe M. - My New Year resolution is appreciate my blessings and good fortune and to pamper myself more. (with the M+G detox mask and serum! Omgeesie.)
- Paige H. - To actually go to the gym I pay for and visit my parents more.
- Dolores O.- Practice my guitar more. Laugh more.
- Michele S. - Eat more avocados. Learn to have a steady hand when painting my nails.
- Sarah G. - I would like to visit more museums and learn how to bake bread.
- Alessia T. - This year I want to make sure I carve out more time doing relaxing things like reading and yoga!
- Vinnie V. - My New Years resolution is to have more fun! Enjoys my friends and family, travel more, and do new things!
- Michael R. - My New Years resolution is to try something new, like a class, trip or experience.
- Devin T. - 1. Stop drinking orange juice after I just brushed my teeth. 2. That is all.
- Kenne K - Take classes in yoga, French and cooking.