Getting Kissable for Valentine's Day!
Posted: February 06, 2012
Categories: products.
Valentine’s Day. Whether you consider it to be the most romantic day of the year, the most depressing, or a ridiculous commercial creation, everyone secretly hopes to have a special someone to spend the day (and more importantly, the night) with. Mostly people would probably agree with me that the difference between a great date and a disaster can be something as simple as a kiss. Before technique and the perfect head tilt, the lips lay the foundation for a truly mind blowing kiss. Therefore, it’s essential to make your lips as irresistible as possible. One of the best ways to help do this is to exfoliate them. You already (hopefully!) exfoliate your face and body, so why not your lips? Valentine’s Day falls right in the middle of the bleakest part of winter, when lips are dry and chapped – and sometimes lip moisturizer just isn’t enough. The Jojoba Face Scrub by Malin+Goetz is perfect for such a job. It’s gentle, yet superbly effective. While you’re exfoliating your face simply purse those lips and spend a couple of extra seconds gently going over them in a circular motion (hint: something I love to do to up the ante is add a little bit of the M+G Peppermint Body Scrub). Once you rinse off, just apply a light layer of Lip Moisturizer and you’re good to go. Your lips will be impossibly soft and supple – sure to encourage lingering!
Here’s hoping cupid’s arrow finds all of you – there’s still a week left!
Brian Lynch, National Training Manager